Director of Education – Maha Haq
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- Director of Education – Maha Haq

Maha Haq is Founder and CEO of CREA (Cultivating Research, Education, & Advocacy) and Cannaclub University, two collegiate organizations focusing on cannabis-botanical drug education, activism, and opportunities for the next generation. Their mission is to empower students and scholars interested in the cannabis, psychedelic, botanical, and therapeutic drug industry while making a positive social impact through education and advocacy. Under Maha’s leadership, Cannaclub expanded to 20 universities across the nation with over 5,500 members since starting at her alma mater UCLA, where she also served as a researcher at the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative.
Maha Haq is Founder and CEO of CREA (Cultivating Research, Education, & Advocacy) and Cannaclub University, two collegiate organizations focusing on cannabis-botanical drug education, activism, and opportunities for the next generation. Their mission is to empower students and scholars interested in the cannabis, psychedelic, botanical, and therapeutic drug industry while making a positive social impact through education and advocacy. Under Maha’s leadership, Cannaclub expanded to 20 universities across the nation with over 5,500 members since starting at her alma mater UCLA, where she also served as a researcher at the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative.
Maha has her M.S. in Pharmacological Sciences, concentrating on Medical Cannabis Sciences and Therapeutics at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, the nation’s first graduate program dedicated to studying cannabis. She is currently a Program Director at the American Botanical Drug Association, a team of international peer reviewers and drug development experts. She has made guidance resources and workshops on the process of botanical drug research and development. Maha is also President of The Highspitality Group, an LA based cannabis consumption lounge operations, biz dev, and compliance firm, bringing together the two worlds of hospitality and cannabis. In addition, Maha is an instructor for science classes at the cannabis vocational school, Oaksterdam University in Oakland.